Final (?) Week

Whoops I accidentally retired this before making the big goodbye post. What a pair of years it has been. Why…

Week 103

Well folks, my headphones broke. I already have the rest of September planned out, so I’m taking a couple of…

Week 102

Lots of good stuff! Let me list ’em off. Firstly, there is a new James Gameboy EP, entitled Feelin’ Bad!…

Week 101

Got through my 7 days in a row weekend with hardly anything done. Luckily I was able to plan out…

Week 100

Doing this a day early because, you guessed it, I’m doing 7 days in a row at work starting tomorrow.…

Week 99

This week was very bad. I worked 6 days in a row and now I am tired. I also did…

Week 98

In a fit of inspiration and experimentation yesterday I finally cracked what the last track of the EP should be.…

Week 97

We are nearing the end, folks. My massively unpopular blog has hit almost 100 entries. My plan is to release…

Week 96

We did the 48 Hour Film Festival this weekend! I say “we” as if I was there the whole time…